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Question: Frank scored 26 points in a basketball game. All of his points came from either a two-point or three-point basket. If Frank scored at least one three-point basket, what is the maximum number of two-point baskets that Frank could have scored?
Question: Frank scored 26 points in a basketball game. All of his points came from either a two-point or three-point basket. If Frank scored at least one three-point basket, what is the maximum number of two-point baskets that Frank could have scored?
Question 1: Frank scored 26 points in a basketball game. All of his points came from either a two-point or three-point basket. If Frank scored at least one three-point basket, what is the maximum number of two-point baskets that Frank could have scored?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Source: জীবণ বীমা কর্পোরেশন (সহকারী ম্যানেজার) 16-10-2020
Answer: 10
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