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Question: A man donated 5% of his income to a charitable organization and deposited 20% of the remainder in a bank. if he now has Tk. 1919 left, then his income is :
Question: A man donated 5% of his income to a charitable organization and deposited 20% of the remainder in a bank. if he now has Tk. 1919 left, then his income is :
Question 1: A man donated 5% of his income to a charitable organization and deposited 20% of the remainder in a bank. if he now has Tk. 1919 left, then his income is :
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Tk. 2300
Tk. 2500
Tk 2525
Tk. 2558
Source: Investment Corporation - Officer - 21.01.2011
Answer: Tk 2525
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