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Question: 2 bats and 2 balls cost Tk. 300. 5 bats and 5 balls cost Tk. 750.3 balls and 3 bats cost —-
Question: 2 bats and 2 balls cost Tk. 300. 5 bats and 5 balls cost Tk. 750.3 balls and 3 bats cost —-
Question 1: 2 bats and 2 balls cost Tk. 300. 5 bats and 5 balls cost Tk. 750.3 balls and 3 bats cost ----
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Tk. 400
Tk. 450
Tk. 500
Tk. 550
Source: Commerce Bank Ltd - Junior Officer - 19.09.2008
Answer: Tk. 450
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