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Question: Coffee A costs 75 cents per pound. It is mixed with Coffee B, which normally costs 80 cents per pound, to form a mixture that costs 78 cents per pound. If there are 10 pounds of the mix, how many pounds of Coffee A were used in the mix?
Question: Coffee A costs 75 cents per pound. It is mixed with Coffee B, which normally costs 80 cents per pound, to form a mixture that costs 78 cents per pound. If there are 10 pounds of the mix, how many pounds of Coffee A were used in the mix?
Question 1: Coffee A costs 75 cents per pound. It is mixed with Coffee B, which normally costs 80 cents per pound, to form a mixture that costs 78 cents per pound. If there are 10 pounds of the mix, how many pounds of Coffee A were used in the mix?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Source: Bangladesh Shilpa Bank Ltd - Officer - 2004
Answer: 4
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