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Question: In a magic show , every one who is not over six feet tall is seated in the first row. Accordingly the assistant requested Anu to seat in the second row . Which of the following inferences can the above two sentences logically indicate ?
Question: In a magic show , every one who is not over six feet tall is seated in the first row. Accordingly the assistant requested Anu to seat in the second row . Which of the following inferences can the above two sentences logically indicate ?
Question 1: In a magic show , every one who is not over six feet tall is seated in the first row. Accordingly the assistant requested Anu to seat in the second row . Which of the following inferences can the above two sentences logically indicate ?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Taller people have the chance to know the tricks of magic
Anu's height is over six feet
Anu is going to be six feet next month
Shorter people enjoys magic more
Source: Exim Bank Ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 07.05.2010
Answer: Anu's height is over six feet
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