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Question: Painter A can paint a house in 16 days and painter B can do the same work in 20 days . With the help of painter C, they paint the house in 8 days only. Then , Painter C alone can do this task in –
Question: Painter A can paint a house in 16 days and painter B can do the same work in 20 days . With the help of painter C, they paint the house in 8 days only. Then , Painter C alone can do this task in –
Question 1: Painter A can paint a house in 16 days and painter B can do the same work in 20 days . With the help of painter C, they paint the house in 8 days only. Then , Painter C alone can do this task in -
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
80 days
85 days
79 days
76 days
Source: এক্সিকিউটিভ অফিসার (সাধারণ) ১৮.১০.২০১৯
Answer: 80 days
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