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Question: A cistern is normally filled with eater in 10 hours but takes 5 hours longer to fill because of a leak in its bottom . If the cistern is full, the leak will empty the cistern in –
Question: A cistern is normally filled with eater in 10 hours but takes 5 hours longer to fill because of a leak in its bottom . If the cistern is full, the leak will empty the cistern in –
Question 1: A cistern is normally filled with eater in 10 hours but takes 5 hours longer to fill because of a leak in its bottom . If the cistern is full, the leak will empty the cistern in -
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
20 hours
30 hours
40 hours
50 hours.
Source: জনতা ও রূপালী ব্যাংক- অফিসার ১৩.১২.২০১৯
Answer: 30 hours
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