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Question: On a bus all the children’s fare is Tk. 840. If the fare of one children is Tk. 60 which is 3/4 of the adult’s fare, calculate the adult fare.
Question: On a bus all the children’s fare is Tk. 840. If the fare of one children is Tk. 60 which is 3/4 of the adult’s fare, calculate the adult fare.
Question 1: On a bus all the children's fare is Tk. 840. If the fare of one children is Tk. 60 which is 3/4 of the adult's fare, calculate the adult fare.
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Tk. 80
Tk. 140
Tk. 120
Tk. 100
Source: Karmasangsthan Bank - Officer - 23.10.2009
Answer: Tk. 80
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