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Question: It takes Eric 20 minutes to inspect a car. john only needs 18 minutes to inspect a car. If they both start inspecting care at 8 : 00 am, what is the first time they will finish inspecting a car at the same time?
Question: It takes Eric 20 minutes to inspect a car. john only needs 18 minutes to inspect a car. If they both start inspecting care at 8 : 00 am, what is the first time they will finish inspecting a car at the same time?
Question 1: It takes Eric 20 minutes to inspect a car. john only needs 18 minutes to inspect a car. If they both start inspecting care at 8 : 00 am, what is the first time they will finish inspecting a car at the same time?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
9:30 am
10:30 am
2 pm
Source: বাংলাদেশ বনশিল্প উন্নয়ন কর্পোরেশন সহকারী ব্যবস্থাপক-০২.০৮.২০১৩
Answer: 0.458333333333333
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