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Question: There are 48 books on 3 shelves. If 3 books from third shelf are shifted to the second there will be same number of books on first and third shelves and double the number of books on shelf . How many books were there on three shelves originally?
Question: There are 48 books on 3 shelves. If 3 books from third shelf are shifted to the second there will be same number of books on first and third shelves and double the number of books on shelf . How many books were there on three shelves originally?
Question 1: There are 48 books on 3 shelves. If 3 books from third shelf are shifted to the second there will be same number of books on first and third shelves and double the number of books on shelf . How many books were there on three shelves originally?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
10, 25,13
12, 21,15
11, 23, 14
13, 19, 16
Source: বাংলাদেশ পল্লী বিদ্যুতায়ন বোর্ড - সহকারী সচিব-সহকারী পরিচালক(প্রশাসন) (18-01-2019)
Answer: 12, 21,15
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