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Question: TK. 355 has been divided among A, B,C in such a way that a had TK. 20 more than B and C had Tk. 15 more than B and C had Tk. 15 more than A How much was C’s share?
Question: TK. 355 has been divided among A, B,C in such a way that a had TK. 20 more than B and C had Tk. 15 more than B and C had Tk. 15 more than A How much was C’s share?
Question 1: TK. 355 has been divided among A, B,C in such a way that a had TK. 20 more than B and C had Tk. 15 more than B and C had Tk. 15 more than A How much was C's share?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Tk. 135
Tk. 100
TK. 120
Tk. 150
Source: Officer (General) --Sonali - Janata - Bangladesh Krishi_Bangladesh Development bank ২৪.০৫.২০১৯
Answer: Tk. 135
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