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Question: Sarah need to make a cake and some cookies. The cake requires 3/4 cup of sugar and the cookies require 3/5 cup of sugar. Sarah has 15/16 cups of sugar. Does she have enough, or how much more does she need?
Question: Sarah need to make a cake and some cookies. The cake requires 3/4 cup of sugar and the cookies require 3/5 cup of sugar. Sarah has 15/16 cups of sugar. Does she have enough, or how much more does she need?
Question 1: Sarah need to make a cake and some cookies. The cake requires 3/4 cup of sugar and the cookies require 3/5 cup of sugar. Sarah has 15/16 cups of sugar. Does she have enough, or how much more does she need?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
has enough sugar
needs 1/8 of a cup of sugar
needs 3/80 of a cup of sugar
needs 4/19 of a cup of sugar
Source: Petroleum Exploration Co - Officer - 17.04.2009
Answer: needs 3/80 of a cup of sugar
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