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Question: When Ehsan was preparing to make a tape from some of his favourite songs, he notices that the Hadi’s song was 1 minute longer than Bonna’s song and Niaj’s song was 1 minute less than twice as long as Bonna’s song. If the total time for these three songs is 12 minutes, how long is Niaj’s song?
Question: When Ehsan was preparing to make a tape from some of his favourite songs, he notices that the Hadi’s song was 1 minute longer than Bonna’s song and Niaj’s song was 1 minute less than twice as long as Bonna’s song. If the total time for these three songs is 12 minutes, how long is Niaj’s song?
Question 1: When Ehsan was preparing to make a tape from some of his favourite songs, he notices that the Hadi's song was 1 minute longer than Bonna's song and Niaj's song was 1 minute less than twice as long as Bonna's song. If the total time for these three songs is 12 minutes, how long is Niaj's song?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
3 minute
4 minute
5 minute
7 minute
Source: Petroleum Exploration Co - Officer - 17.04.2009
Answer: 5 minute
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