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Question: Among the following statements , which would make M, D, N,G,L,O,A the only possible sequence of speakers?
Question: Among the following statements , which would make M, D, N,G,L,O,A the only possible sequence of speakers?
Question 1: Among the following statements , which would make M, D, N,G,L,O,A the only possible sequence of speakers?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
D is M's first mate, G is N's first mate , A is O's first mate
D is M's first mate , G is N's first mate , A was the second to speak after L
The order of the first four speakers was M,D,N,G
The order of the last three speakers was L,O,A
Source: Pubali Bank Ltd - Senior Officer - 25.06.2010
Answer: D is M's first mate, G is N's first mate , A is O's first mate
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