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Question: A hawker takes 1.25 hours to deliver newpaper on his route. Another howker takes 15 minutes longer to deliver these papers on the same route. How long would it take to deliver the papers if both of them worked together?
Question: A hawker takes 1.25 hours to deliver newpaper on his route. Another howker takes 15 minutes longer to deliver these papers on the same route. How long would it take to deliver the papers if both of them worked together?
Question 1: A hawker takes 1.25 hours to deliver newpaper on his route. Another howker takes 15 minutes longer to deliver these papers on the same route. How long would it take to deliver the papers if both of them worked together?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
22.25 minute
37.5 minutes
40 minutes
65 minitues
Source: United Commercial Bank Ltd - Probationary Officer - 2016
Answer: 40 minutes
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