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Question: A person was asked to state his age in years. His reply was, ‘Take my age three years hence, multiply it by 3 and then subtract three times my age three years ago and you will know how old I am’ What was the age of the person ?
Question: A person was asked to state his age in years. His reply was, ‘Take my age three years hence, multiply it by 3 and then subtract three times my age three years ago and you will know how old I am’ What was the age of the person ?
Question 1: A person was asked to state his age in years. His reply was, 'Take my age three years hence, multiply it by 3 and then subtract three times my age three years ago and you will know how old I am' What was the age of the person ?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
18 years
20 years
24 years
32 years
Source: Janata Bank Ltd - Executive Officer (Af) - 24.03.2017
Answer: 18 years
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