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Question: If the two commissions have parallel terms of office, which of the following could be selected as the members of the Public service commission and the members of the Rent Control Commission , respectively , for one such term of office?
Question: If the two commissions have parallel terms of office, which of the following could be selected as the members of the Public service commission and the members of the Rent Control Commission , respectively , for one such term of office?
Question 1: If the two commissions have parallel terms of office, which of the following could be selected as the members of the Public service commission and the members of the Rent Control Commission , respectively , for one such term of office?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
W, X and Y, X,Y and Z
U,V and W, X,Y and Z
U,W and Y, V,X and Z
V,W and X, V,W and Y
Source: Exim Bank Ltd - Officer (IT) - 26.07.2013
Answer: W, X and Y, X,Y and Z
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