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Question: Arafat has Tk. 420. he purchased fifty mangoes and thirty oranges with whole amount. He then chose to return six mangoes for nine oranges as both quantities are equality priced. What is the price of each mango?
Question: Arafat has Tk. 420. he purchased fifty mangoes and thirty oranges with whole amount. He then chose to return six mangoes for nine oranges as both quantities are equality priced. What is the price of each mango?
Question 1: Arafat has Tk. 420. he purchased fifty mangoes and thirty oranges with whole amount. He then chose to return six mangoes for nine oranges as both quantities are equality priced. What is the price of each mango?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Source: Management Trainee Officer (MTO) 20.07.2018
Answer: 6
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