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Question: In a garden, there are 10 rows and 12 columns of mango trees. The distance between two trees is 2 meters and a distance of one meter is left from all sides of the boundary of the garden. What is the length of the garden ?
Question: In a garden, there are 10 rows and 12 columns of mango trees. The distance between two trees is 2 meters and a distance of one meter is left from all sides of the boundary of the garden. What is the length of the garden ?
Question 1: In a garden, there are 10 rows and 12 columns of mango trees. The distance between two trees is 2 meters and a distance of one meter is left from all sides of the boundary of the garden. What is the length of the garden ?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
20 m
22 m
24 m
26 m
Source: Agrani bank Ltd - Senior Officer (Cancelled) - 31.05.2013
Answer: 24 m
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