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Question: Company K’a earnings were Tk. 12 million last year. If this year’s earnings are projected to be 150% greater than last year’s earnings, what are Company K’s projected earnings this year?
Question: Company K’a earnings were Tk. 12 million last year. If this year’s earnings are projected to be 150% greater than last year’s earnings, what are Company K’s projected earnings this year?
Question 1: Company K'a earnings were Tk. 12 million last year. If this year's earnings are projected to be 150% greater than last year's earnings, what are Company K's projected earnings this year?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Tk. 13.5 million
Tk. 18 million
Tk. 27 million
none of these
Source: Bank Asia Ltd - Management Trainee - 28.04.2017
Answer: none of these
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