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Question: Last year if 97% of the revenues of a company came from domestic sources and the remaining revenues, totaling Tk. 4,50,000, came from foregin sources, what was the total of the company’s revenues?
Question: Last year if 97% of the revenues of a company came from domestic sources and the remaining revenues, totaling Tk. 4,50,000, came from foregin sources, what was the total of the company’s revenues?
Question 1: Last year if 97% of the revenues of a company came from domestic sources and the remaining revenues, totaling Tk. 4,50,000, came from foregin sources, what was the total of the company's revenues?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Tk. 1,350,000
Tk. 1,500,000
Tk. 4,500,000
None of these
Source: Modhumoti Bank ltd. - Probationary Officer - 21.04.2017
Answer: None of these
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