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Question: It takes 1 pound of flour to make y cake. The once of flour is w dollars for x pounds In terms of w, of w, x and y,what is the dollars cost of the flour required to amke 1 cake?
Question: It takes 1 pound of flour to make y cake. The once of flour is w dollars for x pounds In terms of w, of w, x and y,what is the dollars cost of the flour required to amke 1 cake?
Question 1: It takes 1 pound of flour to make y cake. The once of flour is w dollars for x pounds In terms of w, of w, x and y,what is the dollars cost of the flour required to amke 1 cake?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Source: Management Trainee Officer (MTO) 20.07.2018
Answer: w/xy
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