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Question: Harun wants to buy a dress priced at Tk. 89.75 . If the sales tax is 8% , what is the total amount he must pay for the dress?
Question: Harun wants to buy a dress priced at Tk. 89.75 . If the sales tax is 8% , what is the total amount he must pay for the dress?
Question 1: Harun wants to buy a dress priced at Tk. 89.75 . If the sales tax is 8% , what is the total amount he must pay for the dress?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Tk. 71.80
Tk. 82.57
Tk. 96.93
Tk. 97.75
Source: Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 23.01.2009
Answer: Tk. 96.93
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