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Question: A shopkeeper combined X liters of a solution containing 10% of certain material Q, with 10 liters of another solution that contained 2% of that materiale Q, to produce Z liters of a solution that had 5% of Q. What is the value of X?
Question: A shopkeeper combined X liters of a solution containing 10% of certain material Q, with 10 liters of another solution that contained 2% of that materiale Q, to produce Z liters of a solution that had 5% of Q. What is the value of X?
Question 1: A shopkeeper combined X liters of a solution containing 10% of certain material Q, with 10 liters of another solution that contained 2% of that materiale Q, to produce Z liters of a solution that had 5% of Q. What is the value of X?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
5 liters
6 liters
7 liters
8 liters
Source: Exim Bank Ltd - Trainee Officer - 29.05.2015
Answer: 6 liters
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