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Question: A man rowed 3 miles upstream in 90 minutes. If the river flowed with a current of 2 miles per hour, how long did the man’s return trip take?
Question: A man rowed 3 miles upstream in 90 minutes. If the river flowed with a current of 2 miles per hour, how long did the man’s return trip take?
Question 1: A man rowed 3 miles upstream in 90 minutes. If the river flowed with a current of 2 miles per hour, how long did the man's return trip take?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
30 minutes
60 minutes
90 minutes
120 minutes
Source: Exim Bank Ltd - Trainee Officer - 29.05.2015
Answer: 30 minutes
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