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Question: In a crime , three suspects X, Y, and Z were caught and questioned . Each person said, “One of the other two stole it . I did not do it. ” Later on the police found out that Z was lying and these was only one thief . Who was the thief?
Question: In a crime , three suspects X, Y, and Z were caught and questioned . Each person said, “One of the other two stole it . I did not do it. ” Later on the police found out that Z was lying and these was only one thief . Who was the thief?
Question 1: In a crime , three suspects X, Y, and Z were caught and questioned . Each person said, "One of the other two stole it . I did not do it. " Later on the police found out that Z was lying and these was only one thief . Who was the thief?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Someone else
Source: Bangladesh bank ; officer ( general) - 27.04.2018
Answer: Z
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