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Question: The preferred stock of Jay’s Comics currently sells for Tk. 23.25 per share. The annual dividend of Tk. 1.50 is fixed. Assuming a constant dividend forever,what is the rate of return on this stock ?
Question: The preferred stock of Jay’s Comics currently sells for Tk. 23.25 per share. The annual dividend of Tk. 1.50 is fixed. Assuming a constant dividend forever,what is the rate of return on this stock ?
Question 1: The preferred stock of Jay's Comics currently sells for Tk. 23.25 per share. The annual dividend of Tk. 1.50 is fixed. Assuming a constant dividend forever,what is the rate of return on this stock ?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
3.49 percent
6.45 percent
8.06 percent
8.50 percent
Source: Mutual Trust Bank ltd - Probationary Officer - 2016
Answer: 6.45 percent
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