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Question: Village T is in which direction with respect to village R? 1. T is to the North of W which is to the West of S. 2. T is to the North-West of S. 3. W is to the North-West of R.
Question: Village T is in which direction with respect to village R? 1. T is to the North of W which is to the West of S. 2. T is to the North-West of S. 3. W is to the North-West of R.
Question 1: Village T is in which direction with respect to village R? 1. T is to the North of W which is to the West of S. 2. T is to the North-West of S. 3. W is to the North-West of R.
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Any two of the three
Only 1 and 2
Only 2 and 3
Only 1 and 3
Source: Pubali Bank Ltd - Senior Officer - 21.01.2016
Answer: Only 1 and 3
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