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Question: Your income for a year is Tk. 26,000 . You receive a raise so that next year’s income will be Tk. 29,000. How much more will you pay in taxes next year if the tax rate remains the same ?
Question: Your income for a year is Tk. 26,000 . You receive a raise so that next year’s income will be Tk. 29,000. How much more will you pay in taxes next year if the tax rate remains the same ?
Question 1: Your income for a year is Tk. 26,000 . You receive a raise so that next year's income will be Tk. 29,000. How much more will you pay in taxes next year if the tax rate remains the same ?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Tk. 75
Tk. 80
Tk. 125
Try your self
Source: Bangladesh Bank - Assistant Director - 2015
Answer: Try your self
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