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Question: In a certain country, a person is born every 5 seconds and a person dies every 13 seconds, Therefore the birth and death rates account fora population growth rate of one person every—
Question: In a certain country, a person is born every 5 seconds and a person dies every 13 seconds, Therefore the birth and death rates account fora population growth rate of one person every—
Question 1: In a certain country, a person is born every 5 seconds and a person dies every 13 seconds, Therefore the birth and death rates account fora population growth rate of one person every---
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
9 sec
8 sec
8.125 sec
Source: Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd - Probationary Officer - 29.07.2011
Answer: 8.125 sec
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If b<2 and 2x-3d=0, which of the following must be true?
Think of a number and then double the number, Add 6 and then multiply the number by 10. Now divide the number by 20, then subtract the number you first thought of, What is the result?
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4x2-2 হতে কত বিয়োগ করলে রাশিটি পূর্ণবর্গ হবে?
এক বাক্স স্ট্রবেরি ২৭৫০ টাকায় বিক্রয় করায় ৪৫০ টাকা ক্ষতি হলো। ঐ স্ট্রবেরি ৩৬০০ টাকায় বিক্রয় করলে কত টাকা লাভ বা ক্ষতি হবে?
2x+1=32 হলে x এর মান কত ?
If box
An Amount of tk. 366 is to be divided among P,Q and R in such a manner that Q gets two- third as much as P and R together , and P may get half as much as Q and R together . What is the share of P?
If x=ya, y=zb and z=xc then the value of abc is____
One third of the faculty members of a department are female. Sixteen of the male teachers are unmarried while 60% of them are married. The total number of faculty members in the department is_____
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