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Question: Three measuring rods are 64 cm, 80 cm and 96 cm in length. what is the least length of cloth that can be measured exact number of times using any one of these rods?
Question: Three measuring rods are 64 cm, 80 cm and 96 cm in length. what is the least length of cloth that can be measured exact number of times using any one of these rods?
Question 1: Three measuring rods are 64 cm, 80 cm and 96 cm in length. what is the least length of cloth that can be measured exact number of times using any one of these rods?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
9.60 m
8.0 m
9.60 cm
96 m
Source: Sonali Bank Ltd Officer (Cash) 27.04.2018
Answer: 9.60 m
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