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Question: zinat’s father contributes to his daughter’s savings by giving her 10% of her total saving . If Zinat saves Tk. 100 in June , Tk. 250 in July and Tk. 130 in August, how much will she have in savings at the end of that time?
Question: zinat’s father contributes to his daughter’s savings by giving her 10% of her total saving . If Zinat saves Tk. 100 in June , Tk. 250 in July and Tk. 130 in August, how much will she have in savings at the end of that time?
Question 1: zinat's father contributes to his daughter's savings by giving her 10% of her total saving . If Zinat saves Tk. 100 in June , Tk. 250 in July and Tk. 130 in August, how much will she have in savings at the end of that time?
View topic: বয়স (Ages)
Tk. 528
Tk. 524
Tk. 539
Tk. 480
Source: Trust Bank Ltd - Assistant Officer - 14.01.2011
Answer: Tk. 528
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