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Question: The larger of two numbers exceeds twice the smaller number by 9. The sum of twice the larger and 5 times the smaller number is 74. If a is the smaller number, which equation below determines the correct value of a ?
Question: The larger of two numbers exceeds twice the smaller number by 9. The sum of twice the larger and 5 times the smaller number is 74. If a is the smaller number, which equation below determines the correct value of a ?
Question 1: The larger of two numbers exceeds twice the smaller number by 9. The sum of twice the larger and 5 times the smaller number is 74. If a is the smaller number, which equation below determines the correct value of a ?
View topic: পাটিগণিত প্রাথমিক ধারণা (Basics of Arithmetic)
5(2a+9)+2a = 74
5(2a-9)+2a = 74
(4a+9)+5a = 74
2 (2a+9)+5a = 74
Source: Agrani bank Ltd - Senior Officer (Re-exam) - 26.07.2013
Answer: 2 (2a+9)+5a = 74
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