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Question: A circular pool is filling with water . Assuming the water level will be 4ft deep and the diameter is 20 ft , what is the approximate volume of the water needed to fill the pool ?
Question: A circular pool is filling with water . Assuming the water level will be 4ft deep and the diameter is 20 ft , what is the approximate volume of the water needed to fill the pool ?
Question 1: A circular pool is filling with water . Assuming the water level will be 4ft deep and the diameter is 20 ft , what is the approximate volume of the water needed to fill the pool ?
View topic: পরিমিতি (Mensuration)
251.2 cubic ft
1,256 cubic ft
5,024 cubic ft
3,140 cubic ft
Source: Bangladesh Bank - Assistant Director - 2011
Answer: 1,256 cubic ft
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