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Question: A painter has painted one-third of a rectangular wall which is ten feet high. When he will paint another 75 square feet of that wall, he will have finished three-quarters of the job. What is the length (the horizontal dimension) of the wall?
Question: A painter has painted one-third of a rectangular wall which is ten feet high. When he will paint another 75 square feet of that wall, he will have finished three-quarters of the job. What is the length (the horizontal dimension) of the wall?
Question 1: A painter has painted one-third of a rectangular wall which is ten feet high. When he will paint another 75 square feet of that wall, he will have finished three-quarters of the job. What is the length (the horizontal dimension) of the wall?
View topic: পরিমিতি (Mensuration)
18 feet
12 feet
10 feet
9 feet
Source: Exim Bank Ltd - Officer - 2004
Answer: 18 feet
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