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Question: A rectangular field of 200m by 120m has two roads running along its center, one along the length and the other along the width. If the width of the roads is 5m, what is the area covered by the two roads?
Question: A rectangular field of 200m by 120m has two roads running along its center, one along the length and the other along the width. If the width of the roads is 5m, what is the area covered by the two roads?
Question 1: A rectangular field of 200m by 120m has two roads running along its center, one along the length and the other along the width. If the width of the roads is 5m, what is the area covered by the two roads?
View topic: পরিমিতি (Mensuration)
1575 sq.m.
1600 sq.m.
1550 sq.m.
400 sq.m.
Source: Mercantile Bank Ltd - Probationary Officer - 11.03.2011
Answer: 1575 sq.m.
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