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Question: A rectangular floor that measures 8 meters by 10 meters is to be covered with carpet squares that each measure 2 meters by 2 meters . If a carpet square costs Tk. 12, calculate the total cost to cover 23 of the floor?
Question: A rectangular floor that measures 8 meters by 10 meters is to be covered with carpet squares that each measure 2 meters by 2 meters . If a carpet square costs Tk. 12, calculate the total cost to cover 23 of the floor?
Question 1: A rectangular floor that measures 8 meters by 10 meters is to be covered with carpet squares that each measure 2 meters by 2 meters . If a carpet square costs Tk. 12, calculate the total cost to cover 23 of the floor?
View topic: পরিমিতি (Mensuration)
Tk. 160
Tk. 240
Tk. 480
None of these
Source: Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd - Trainee Senior Officer - 30.11.2018
Answer: Tk. 160
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