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Question: Water has been poured into an empty rectangular tank at the rate of 5 cubic feet per minute for 6 minutes. The length of the tank is 4 feet and the width is one half of the length. How deep is the water in the tank?
Question: Water has been poured into an empty rectangular tank at the rate of 5 cubic feet per minute for 6 minutes. The length of the tank is 4 feet and the width is one half of the length. How deep is the water in the tank?
Question 1: Water has been poured into an empty rectangular tank at the rate of 5 cubic feet per minute for 6 minutes. The length of the tank is 4 feet and the width is one half of the length. How deep is the water in the tank?
View topic: পরিমিতি (Mensuration)
7.5 inches
3 ft. 9 inches
3 ft. 7.5 inches
7 fit. 6 inches
Source: Forest Industries Development Corporation - Asst. Manager - 02.08.2013
Answer: 3 ft. 9 inches
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