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Question: The instruction state that Sumi may need 4/9 square yards of one type of material and 2/3 square yards of another type of material for a project. She buys exactly that amount. After finishing the project, however, she has 8/18 square yards left that she did not use. What is the total amount of square yards of material Sumi used?
Question: The instruction state that Sumi may need 4/9 square yards of one type of material and 2/3 square yards of another type of material for a project. She buys exactly that amount. After finishing the project, however, she has 8/18 square yards left that she did not use. What is the total amount of square yards of material Sumi used?
Question 1: The instruction state that Sumi may need 4/9 square yards of one type of material and 2/3 square yards of another type of material for a project. She buys exactly that amount. After finishing the project, however, she has 8/18 square yards left that she did not use. What is the total amount of square yards of material Sumi used?
View topic: পরিমিতি (Mensuration)
Source: Titas Gas Co.Ltd - Deputy Asst. Engineer - 18.02.2011
Answer: 44960
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