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Question: A water tank has two taps ( Tap-1 and Tap-2) : Tap-1 can fill a tank in 8 hours and Tap-2 can empty the tank in 16 hours . How long will they take to fill the tank if both taps are opened simultaneously but Tap -2 is closed after 8 hours?
Question: A water tank has two taps ( Tap-1 and Tap-2) : Tap-1 can fill a tank in 8 hours and Tap-2 can empty the tank in 16 hours . How long will they take to fill the tank if both taps are opened simultaneously but Tap -2 is closed after 8 hours?
Question 1: A water tank has two taps ( Tap-1 and Tap-2) : Tap-1 can fill a tank in 8 hours and Tap-2 can empty the tank in 16 hours . How long will they take to fill the tank if both taps are opened simultaneously but Tap -2 is closed after 8 hours?
View topic: নল ও চৌবাচ্চা (Pipes and Cistern)
Source: Sonali, Rupali, Bangladesh Krishi, Rajshahi krishi unnayn,Investment Corporation of Bangladesh - 30.11.2018
Answer: 12
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A water tank has two taps ( Tap-1 and Tap-2) : Tap-1 can fill a tank in 8 hours and Tap-2 can empty the tank in 16 hours . How long will they take to fill the tank if both taps are opened simultaneously but Tap -2 is closed after 8 hours?
3 pumsps, working 8 hours a day, can empty a tank in 2 days. How many hours a day must 4 pumps work to empty the same tank in 1 day?
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A tank has two leakages. The first leakage alone can empty the tank in 9 minutes and the second alone would have done it in 6 minutes. If water leaks out at a constant rate. how long does it take both the leakage together to empty the tank ?
A tank is filled in 5 hours by three pipes A,B and C The pipe C is twice as fast as B and B is twice as fast as A How much time will pipe A alone take to fill the tank?
2 large and 1 small pumps can fill a water tank in 4 hours. 1 large and 3 small pumps can also fill the same water tank in 4 hours . How many hours will it take for 3 large 4 small pumps to fill the tank?
A water tank can be filled by two pipes A and B in 60 minutes and 40 minutes respectively. How many minutes will it take to fill the tankfrom empty state if B is used for half the time , and A B fill it together for the other half?
A water tank has two taps (Tap-1 and Tap-2) . Tap -1 can fill a tank in 8 hours and Tap-2 can empty the tank in 16 hours . How long will they take to fill the tank if both taps are opened simultaneously but Tap-2 is closed after 8 hours ?
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