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Question: A tap can fill a tank in 6 hours. After half the tank is filled three more similar taps are opened . What is the total time taken to fill the tank completely?
Question: A tap can fill a tank in 6 hours. After half the tank is filled three more similar taps are opened . What is the total time taken to fill the tank completely?
Question 1: A tap can fill a tank in 6 hours. After half the tank is filled three more similar taps are opened . What is the total time taken to fill the tank completely?
View topic: নল ও চৌবাচ্চা (Pipes and Cistern)
4 hrs 15 min
3 hrs 45 min
3 hrs 24 min
4 hrs 51 min
Source: এসিস্ট্যান্ট এক্সিকিউটিভ অফিসার (টেলর) ২০.১২. ২০১৯
Answer: 3 hrs 45 min
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A tap can fill a tank in 6 hours. After half the tank is filled three more similar taps are opened . What is the total time taken to fill the tank completely?
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