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Question: A water tank with 64-gallon capacity is filled by pipe A and emptied by pipe B. If the rate of water flow through pipe A is 2 gallons per hour, how many gallons per hour should flow through pipe B so that when both pipes are open, the initially empty tank shold be full in exactly 96 hours?
Question: A water tank with 64-gallon capacity is filled by pipe A and emptied by pipe B. If the rate of water flow through pipe A is 2 gallons per hour, how many gallons per hour should flow through pipe B so that when both pipes are open, the initially empty tank shold be full in exactly 96 hours?
Question 1: A water tank with 64-gallon capacity is filled by pipe A and emptied by pipe B. If the rate of water flow through pipe A is 2 gallons per hour, how many gallons per hour should flow through pipe B so that when both pipes are open, the initially empty tank shold be full in exactly 96 hours?
View topic: নল ও চৌবাচ্চা (Pipes and Cistern)
Source: Mercantile Bank Ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 31.07.2015
Answer: 4/3
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