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Question: If 10 ships require 10 tanks of oil in 10 days. How long is 1 tank of oil enough for a ship?
Question: If 10 ships require 10 tanks of oil in 10 days. How long is 1 tank of oil enough for a ship?
Question 1: If 10 ships require 10 tanks of oil in 10 days. How long is 1 tank of oil enough for a ship?
View topic: নল ও চৌবাচ্চা (Pipes and Cistern)
1 day
5 days
10 days
25 days
Source: Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank - Officer - 22.04.2011
Answer: 10 days
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A tank can be filled with water by two pipes A and B together in 36 minutes, the tank is filled in 40 minutes. The pipe B can alone fill the tank in -
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A pipe fills a tank in P minuties and another pipe fills the tank in Q minutes. A different pipe makes the tank empty in R minutes. If all these three pipe are opened then in how many minutes the tank will be full?
After filling the car's fuel tank, a driver drove from P to Q and then to R. He used 2/5 of the fuel driving from P to Q. if she used another 7 gallons to drive from Q to R and still had 1/4 of the tank full, what is the capacity of the tank in gallons?
If a pipe fills a tank in h hours what part of the tank does it fill in 2 hours?
a tank 40% is full of water ,if 9 liters water is removed the tank become 1/4 full what is the capacity of tank of watera/
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