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Question: If Farhan were to add 5 gallons of kerosine to a tank that is already 3/4 full of kerosine , the tank would be 7/8 full. How many gallons of kerosine would the tank hold if it were full ?
Question: If Farhan were to add 5 gallons of kerosine to a tank that is already 3/4 full of kerosine , the tank would be 7/8 full. How many gallons of kerosine would the tank hold if it were full ?
Question 1: If Farhan were to add 5 gallons of kerosine to a tank that is already 3/4 full of kerosine , the tank would be 7/8 full. How many gallons of kerosine would the tank hold if it were full ?
View topic: নল ও চৌবাচ্চা (Pipes and Cistern)
25 gallons
40 gallons
64 gallons
80 gallons
Source: Exim Bank Ltd - Assistant Officer - 01.10.2010
Answer: 40 gallons
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