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Question: 30 men took a dip in a water tank 20m long and 15m broad on a religious day.If the aveage water displacement of water by a man is 2m3, then the rise in the water level in the tank will be —
Question: 30 men took a dip in a water tank 20m long and 15m broad on a religious day.If the aveage water displacement of water by a man is 2m3, then the rise in the water level in the tank will be —
Question 1: 30 men took a dip in a water tank 20m long and 15m broad on a religious day.If the aveage water displacement of water by a man is 2m3, then the rise in the water level in the tank will be --
View topic: নল ও চৌবাচ্চা (Pipes and Cistern)
20 cm
50 cm
100 cm
200 cm
Source: Trainee Asst. Officer 09.02.2018
Answer: 20 cm
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৬০ মিটার দৈর্ঘ বিশিষ্ট একটি নলকে ৩:৭:১০ আনুপাতে টুকরা করা হয়েছে। ছোট টুকরাটি কত মিটার ?
A pipe of 2 inch diameter fills a water tank in one hour . If the diameter of the pipe is 4 inch in what time will the pipe fill the same tank?
Pipe A can fill up a tank in 40 minutes and pipe b can fill up the same tank in 30 minutes, how many inutes will it take for the pipes together to fill up the tank?
2 large and 1 small pumps can fill a water tank in 4 hours. One large and 3 small pumps can also fill the same water tank in 4 hours. how many hours will it take for 3 large and 4 small pumps to fill the tank?
একটি চৌবাচ্চায় দুইটি নল আছে। একটি নল ৪০ মিনিট ভর্তি করতে পারে এবং অপরটি এক ঘন্টায় খালি করতে পারে। উভয় নল একসাথে খুলে দিলে কতক্ষণে চৌবাচ্চাটি ভর্তি হবে?
Three -fourth petrol of a reservoir is used to fill the petrol tanks of five trucks having the same storage capacity, what part of the total capacity of the petrol reservoir did each truck receive?
Pipe A can fill a tank in 5 hours, pipe B in 10 hours and pipe C in 30 hours. If all the pipes are open, in how many will the tank be filled?
২.৫ মিটার বর্গাকার একটি খোলা চৌবাচ্চায় ২৮,৯০০ লিটার পানি ধরে। এর ভিতরে এলুমিনিয়ামের পাত লাগাতে প্রতি বর্গমিটারে ৫ টাকা হিসাবে মোট কত খরচ পড়বে?
A tank is filled in 5 hours by three pipes A,B and C The pipe C is twice as fast as B and B is twice as fast as A How much time will pipe A alone take to fill the tank?
Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 20 and 30 minutes respectively. If both the pipes are used together, then how long will it take to fill the tank?
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