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Question: A train 108 m long moving at a speed of 50 km/hr crosses a train 112 m long coming from opposite direction in 6 seconds. The speed of the second train is —
Question: A train 108 m long moving at a speed of 50 km/hr crosses a train 112 m long coming from opposite direction in 6 seconds. The speed of the second train is —
Question 1: A train 108 m long moving at a speed of 50 km/hr crosses a train 112 m long coming from opposite direction in 6 seconds. The speed of the second train is --
View topic: ট্রেন ও গতিবেগ (Train & Speed)
66 km/hr
54 km/hr
48 km/hr
82 km/hr
Source: Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation - Officer - 10.11.2017
Answer: 82 km/hr
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একটি ট্রেন ৭২ কিলোমিটার গতিতে একটি সেতু ১ মিনিটে পার হলো। ট্রেনের দৈর্ঘ্য ৭০০ মিটার হলে সেতুটির দৈর্ঘ্য কত মিটার?
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Two trains 105 meters and 90 meters long, run at the speeds of 45 km/h and 72 km/h respectively , in opposite directions on parallel tracks. The time which they take to cross each other , is :
A train running at 36 kmph passes another train completely in 12 sec, which is half of its length, running in the opposite direction at 54 kmph. If it also passes a railway platform in 1.5m, what is the length of the platform (in meters)?
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A train running at the speed of 25 m/s takes 10 seconds to pass a man running at the speed of 10 m/s in the opposite direction. Find the length of the train.
ঘন্টায় ৬০ কিলোমিটার বেগে ১০০ মিটার দীর্ঘ একটি ট্রেন ৩০০ মিটার একটি দীর্ঘ প্ল্যাটফরম অতিক্রম করতে কত সময় লাগবে?
Train X leaves Dhaka at 10:00 AM and travels East at a constant speed of x miles per hour . If another Train Y leaves Dhaka at 11:30 AM and travels east along the same tracks at speed 4x/3 , then at what time will Train Y catch Train X ?
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