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Question: A train 125 m long passes a man, running at 5 km/hr in the same direction in which the train is going, in 10 seconds. The speed of the train is;
Question: A train 125 m long passes a man, running at 5 km/hr in the same direction in which the train is going, in 10 seconds. The speed of the train is;
Question 1: A train 125 m long passes a man, running at 5 km/hr in the same direction in which the train is going, in 10 seconds. The speed of the train is;
View topic: ট্রেন ও গতিবেগ (Train & Speed)
45 km/hr
50 km/hr
54 km/hr
55 km/hr
Source: সমন্বিত পাঁচ ব্যাংক - অফিসার ক্যাশ - 06.11.2021
Answer: 50 km/hr
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