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Question: A train went 300 miles from X to Y at an average speed of 80 mph. At what speed did it travel on the way back it its average speed for the whole trip was 100 mph?
Question: A train went 300 miles from X to Y at an average speed of 80 mph. At what speed did it travel on the way back it its average speed for the whole trip was 100 mph?
Question 1: A train went 300 miles from X to Y at an average speed of 80 mph. At what speed did it travel on the way back it its average speed for the whole trip was 100 mph?
View topic: গড় (Average)
120 mph
125 mph
133.33 mph
137.5 mph
Source: Dhaka Bank Ltd - MTO - 2004
Answer: 133.33 mph
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