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Question: 30 pens and 75 pencils altogether were purchased for Tk. 510 . If the average price of a pencil was Tk. 2 , what was the average price of a pen ?
Question: 30 pens and 75 pencils altogether were purchased for Tk. 510 . If the average price of a pencil was Tk. 2 , what was the average price of a pen ?
Question 1: 30 pens and 75 pencils altogether were purchased for Tk. 510 . If the average price of a pencil was Tk. 2 , what was the average price of a pen ?
View topic: গড় (Average)
Tk. 9
Tk. 10
Tk. 11
Tk. 12
Source: Officer (General) -Ansar VDP Unnayan - BD House Building Finance Corporation 28.09.2018
Answer: Tk. 12
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