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Question: A can do a job in 24 days . B in 9 days and C in 12 days . B and C together start the work but leave after 3 days . How many days was taken by A to complete the remaining work ?
Question: A can do a job in 24 days . B in 9 days and C in 12 days . B and C together start the work but leave after 3 days . How many days was taken by A to complete the remaining work ?
Question 1: A can do a job in 24 days . B in 9 days and C in 12 days . B and C together start the work but leave after 3 days . How many days was taken by A to complete the remaining work ?
View topic: ঐকিক নিয়ম (Unitary Method)
Source: Sonali bank Ltd : officer ( cash) -27.04.2018
Answer: 12
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